
How to earn a passive income from your social media channels and blog

Passive Income

I thought I would collate some of my tips and hints on how to earn extra income. Making your social media channels and your blog work for you, exploring investing in bitcoin to earn a passive income and some more of life’s little lacks. You too can enjoy more free time and earn a little extra income. Of course this sounds really easy but there is a little bit of research and background work to put in. If you have a creative flair This will reap rewards in the long term.

Using affiliate links is a great place to start. Many companies have programmes you can join – the basic concept is that you add a link to your blog or a post and then every time someone clicks on it you earn money. So if you have a blog post which is generating a lot of traffic then add in affiliate links – for example adding in Amazon links to materials for arts and crafts projects or using Stylink to feature your fashion choices. You can also add these to your Instagram stories and other accounts. I like to leave my affiliate account balances to build up and then withdraw around Christmas time.


Paid partnerships

Working with brands to create adverts is great fun. If you have a keen eye for photography and a social media audience which is relevant then it can be fun creating content and earning from it. There are various different platforms you can join in order to find collaborations and pitch your ideas and of course you can reach out to brands yourself too. I enjoy this kind of collaboration and choose to partner with brands which I would be using regardless of this – getting paid to feature on my social media channels is a bonus. It doesn’t feel like work, especially when I’m snapping pictures of meals I would eat or toys Arlo would play with anyway.

Guest post hosting

Once you have your own website up and running then you can offer to feature guest posts, these often include links back to a brand or a bloggers own website which helps them in the mysterious rankings of the internet. If you offer space on your website then you can expect to be paid for this and it’s as simple as copying and pasting someone else’s work.

earning a passive income from bitcoin

Im not claiming to he an expert, however crypto currency seems to be helping a lot of people support their income. If you have a little extra in savings and are looking for an investment opportunity then its worth taking a look. The AQRU service just gives you a much higher interest rate (12%) on any investment which is a great source of passive income if you have savings. It uses crypto as the method but you deposit and withdraw in your own currency – so you don’t have to be a crypto expert to use it. Earning a passive income from bitcoin. With annual interest paid daily and the opportunity for a free trial with AQRU, now is as good as tome as any to test the waters.

Sharing your content

Once you have made the effort to create images then you can make these available to others to purchase. Registering on stock image websites and listing some of your images makes them available to others to use – and you’d be surprised at which kinds of images work well. I check in on my accounts as part of my monthly admin, and try and keep on top of trends – uploading festive images around August for example.

Selling templates and downloads

This one requires a little extra work. Whatever your niche is there are bound to be resources you create which might be of benefit to others. I often find myself looking for phonics worksheets or craft projects or seeing patterns or recipes. If you are creating things like this then do not just give it away for free. Using a platform like Etsy you can make your resources available for download at a minimal cost – and once you’ve set it all up you do not need to do anything. If you’re great at making pinnable Infograph’s then look at making content on Canva for others to use.

Buy me a coffee

A lot of bloggers add a link to their posts which allow a reader to donate a few pounds should they wish – I love this idea because I often find hints and tips from other bloggers to be particularly useful. Behind the scenes I often search for help with tech and am grateful for the advice which is available online so sending a donation via PayPal to someone is a sign of my appreciation and it’s a great way to earn a passive income.

Creating course content

If you are a fan of writing and have valuable ideas then making others pay to access it is a great method – online courses are available in all sorts of niches – I have taken courses in photography for example. Admittedly setting up the programme requires a lot of groundwork – filming how to videos and planning for example six weeks of challenges, tasks, emails etc but once you have set this up, anyone can pay to access this at anytime and the automation can work for you even when you are on holiday

I managed to establish my blog over lockdown. The pandemic changed everything for me and I decided to head back to University, it was a daunting prospect thinking of leaving behind a career and the income but I am using my blog and social media channels to earn an income which helps to support me. The hard work really does pay off if you’re willing to make the effort and right now I value the extra time I have for my course work and for my son whilst my blog is working for me.

Last Updated on 1 year by Lavania Oluban

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