I have been browsing the internet for 30 day challenge ideas and have collated some of my favourites …. thirty of them in fact! I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to them all but on days when motivation is scarce hopefully these will give me some inspiration.
My top tip is to find a group of people – the girls WhatsApp chat, your Instagram mates, a Facebook group and take on one challenge and find the time to share your experiences and results with each other. You can get creative and share pics, or just talk about your experiences. Stay connected to other people and even though the days might merge together at least you will have something new to share.
First things first:
1. Mindfulness 30 day challenge
I used to roll my eyes at this kind of thing but it really does help when you’re feeling stressed to just “pause”.
2. squats 30 day challenge
this one sounds like it will be a killer but worth a go!
3. Abs 30 day challenge
I quite like this one – looks like it would take half an hour so something I might squeeze in during my lunch break – could make for a great resistance band workout.
4. Photography 30 day challenge
This photography challenge might help inspire some social media content.
5. Crafts 30 day challenge
this one is great for all the creatives to get inspired – sometimes it’s hard to find your mojo but all it takes is a little prompt to get going in the morning.
6. Instagram stories 30 day challenge
This one might help fellow bloggers with their story content, this is one way to really engage your audience and be different when every day seems like it’s on repeat.
7. Lego 30 day challenge
Love this – one to try with the kids maybe? Logan will love this and I think we will compete.
8. A blog writing 30 day challenge
For fellow bloggers looking for inspiration when stuck indoors. I love the idea of sorting a letter to my teenage self.
9. A drawing 30 day challenge
I love this idea – might have to get my sketch book out and have a go – trying out different media’s will make it even more fun.
10. A health 30 day challenge
This one seems like a simple one to try for overall health motivation…. it’s the little things which make a big difference.
11. A mental health 30 day challenge
This challenge has some great ideas, I find taking ten mins to set aside and focus on stuff like this outside of my usual routine really helps manage stress
12. A self care 30 day challenge
Let’s work on ourselves whilst we’re thinking about it too, we might have to be creative with some of the ideas but look after number one!
13. Play 30 day challenge
Play challenges are a personal favourite of mine. This one is a great one to follow on Instagram and can be started at any time, you don’t need to join in every day – follow the hashtag for inspiration.
14. A seasonal play 30 day challenge
This play challenge has lots of ideas to try out which fit November perfectly. With another hashtag to follow for some inspiration.
15. A make up 30 day challenge
Going to continue trying to make an effort with make up each morning (after my workouts of course) and see what I can come up with.
16. This is early bird workout seems like a good one for an all round session – if I can get it out of the way first thing my day will start as I mean to go on.
17. The 30 day gratitude challenge
Taking the time every day to think about things you’re grateful for seems like a good idea. This is one to dip in to when you feel “meh”
18. The taking the p**s 30 day challenge
This one also made me giggle – I think I can get the girls group chat to make this a topic for the day…. having a group of mates to vent to really helps so this is a reminder to stay connected and try to see the fun side of things.
19. A movie 30 day challenge
One for the movie fans to think about and share – I’m always asking for Netflix suggestions and these prompts might help find some old classics and fab new films to enjoy.
20 The Disney 30 day challenge
One here for the Disney fans – write about these, share pics or just watch the movies in the evening!
21. The music 30 day challenge
For the music fans this one for you – sing your heart out for five mins! Chat about your fave albums, watch live sets on YouTube and get those festival vibes flowing.
22. The crochet 30 day challenge
I did try my hand at crochet in summer so might challenge myself again now it’s cosy indoors….. it takes me a few days to get one thing made but I think I could manage a scarf.
23. Another fitness 30 day challenge
I’m back to the fitness ones now – this seems like a good back one to try out. I’m not really sure which areas I want to work on and it’s good to have a few options I suppose.
24. Arm workout 30 day challenge
This one for arms sounds like it would be tough but worth a shot – I think I can do this just before cooking dinner with tins of beans from the cupboards.
25. A spring clean 30 day challenge
This one is for the Hinch fans out there – worth doing before Christmas for sure – I don’t think I’ve ever washed my walls.
26. A baking 30 day challenge
For my fellow baking fans here’s a fab challenge to follow…. not every day if I’m trying the health stuff too but everyone deserves a treat now and again.
27. A de-clutter 30 day challenge
If you’re anything like me with stuff everywhere then this one might give a sense of achievement.
28. Personal growth 30 day challenge
I love this one – seems like one to create a positive outlook on life and help especially when working from home.
29. The positivity 30 day challenge
Be more positive – this might be the last thing I do every night just before falling asleep.
30. The nature 30 day challenge
I’ve been thinking about being stuck indoors but getting outside really is refreshing no matter the weather.
Last Updated on 2 years by Lavania Oluban
Shame you can’t print them. They are fantastic.