Go Outdoors Loughborough re opened its doors this month with a celebration and a sale to end all sales. The one-stop shop for all your outdoor gear needs offered 15% off across the entire store in addition to its member discounts and multi buy offers which always keep me coming back. Whether you’re an experienced hiker, a weekend camper, or just looking for some new gear to take on your next adventure, they have everything you could possibly need.

From tents and sleeping bags to backpacks and hiking boots, they have the best selection of outdoor gear to help you make the most of your time outdoors. With so many brands and options available the best thing about visiting this store is being able to look at all of the different options and make an informed choice about your purchases. Buying a tent can end up being an expensive mistake, especially if you haven’t got a clue what you need or want. Being able to see the yard set up with a dozen different tents of all shapes and sizes really gives you a chance to evaluate the space and layout and then of course the team is on hand to offer expert advice.
There’s options to suit all budgets and Go Outdoors also features extremely reasonable prices on second hand tents because once you start going out and about on an adventures you’re bound to want to upgrade your purchases and make bigger investments.

Go Outdoors also offers a wide range of accessories, such as camping stoves, water filters, and more. I picked up a new air bed and spent a long time having a browse at over one hundred different kinds of sleeping bags for my mum. She said that she really didn’t want a sleeping bag “cocoon” and so I browsed the shelves to find a square ended sleeping bag which was also the right thickness for summer festival camping. Just as a side note I’ve written a little packing guide which might help festival newbies.

I picked up a new picnic blanket and a stove top kettle to take on our next U.K. family festival adventures. We have a jam packed summer ahead so will be putting these items to good use.
Exploring the Range of Outdoor Gear Available at Loughborough

From camping and hiking to fishing and hunting, Loughborough has something for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced outdoorsman, you’ll find the perfect gear to suit your needs. I really enjoyed browsing the Fishing Republic department and the Naylor’s equestrian shelves not to mention the huge Bike 365 cycling department at the back of the 29,000ft warehouse space which offers servicing and repairs.

The newly refurbished store has ample free customer parking and stocks a wide range of unbeatable brands, such as Rab, OEX and Berghaus, as well as trusted brands like Peter Storm, Hi-Gear and Brasher. I was spoilt for choice trying to decide which waterproof jacket I needed for this summers festival season.

As well as big ticket items there’s lots of accessories and smaller items which always come in handy for adventures. At the till I remembered to buy a new torch, and I also chose a new camping chair for Arlo plus a first aid kit, spare camping stove gas and a water bottle. The one thing which Arlo is most excited about however is his new wetsuit – which means he can now go in the sea even when it’s “freezing” – which is most of the time here in the U.K.

Hiking is another popular outdoor activity and the range of hiking gear available is just as impressive. From backpacks and boots to trekking poles and GPS devices, you’ll find everything you need to make your hike a success. There are also a variety of hiking accessories, such as water bottles and first aid kits, to make your hike even more enjoyable. I chose a new pair of Peter Storm walking boots for Arlo which came in at under £20 and then bought myself a sensible pair of sandals. I do really need a new rucksack so I’m going to head back when I have more time and take full advantage of the bag fitting service and make sure I get one which will be really comfortable and holds enough stuff to make Mary Poppins envious.
Go Outdoors Loughborough is the perfect one-stop shop for all your outdoor gear needs. With a wide selection of quality products, competitive prices, and knowledgeable staff, you can be sure to find the perfect gear for your next outdoor adventure. Whether you’re looking for camping equipment, hiking gear, or something else, Go Outdoors Loughborough has you covered. So, if you’re looking for the best outdoor gear Go Outdoors Loughborough is the place to go.
Also I can certainly recommend purchasing the annual membership for £5. This unlocks so many extra discounts and offers across the store sand comes in really handy when you’re making bigger purchases.
Go Outdoors have kindly provided a £100 voucher for me to give away to one lucky reader so click below to enter:
Competition closes on 11th June, the prize is a £100 voucher and is not transferable. Open to U.K. entries only. Further T&C’s apply – please see Here for further information
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