
Summer Pavlova

There’s no dessert which screams summer louder than a strawberry Pavlova, and I had to make one at the very first opportunity I had this year with some left over egg whites, having been experimenting with mayonnaise as part of a practical session at uni. Squeezing in this recipe between making three different kinds of pastry recipes was no mean feat but we managed to pull it off.

For this recipe you will need:

  • Four egg whites
  • 250g caster sugar
  • A tea spoon of white wine vinegar
  • A tea spoon of vanilla essence
  • A tea spoon of cornflour
  • Vegetable oil

For the cream

  • A tub of cream
  • 50g of icing sugar
  • Vanilla essence

For the topping

  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Kiwi fruit

There’s a couple of steps when it comes to making the meringue base that are absolutely vital. First things first Pre heat the oven to a low heat around gas mark two. Then whisk the egg whites until the mixture forms “peaks” – you’ll notice you go to a white fluffy stage where the eggs look bubbly and you have to go beyond this so that it almost looks like a creamy shaving foam consistency.

Then you need to whisk and add in the sugar, and take this very slowly, one spoonful at a time to ensure that the consistency remains constant. You’ll notice that the mixture changes and becomes shiny but should still be light and fluffy, and you can mix in the vinegar, vanilla and cornflour at this stage.

Line a flat sheet with baking paper and then brush it with a light coating of vegetable oil and gently spoon your mixture in a round shape, making a dip in the centre to form a natural bowl for your cream and fruits. Then bake this in the centre of the oven for an hour. Once the hour has come to an end turn the oven off but leave the meringue until it is cooled down completely. If the oven starts to develop condensation on the inside of the glass then open the door slightly.

During this time you can prepare your fruits and cream.

Whip up a whole tub of cream with a couple of heaped spoonfuls of icing sugar and then add in your vanilla essence. You’re looking for a rich and thick consistency.

Slice up your fruits and then leave these in the fridge until you’re ready to serve the pavlova. Spoon the cream in to the well in the centre of the meringue and then pile it high with your fruits before serving immediately for a fabulous summer dessert.

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