This little collection of funny bones was surprisingly simple to put together and is by far my favourite home made Halloween decoration. I’ve just wrapped it carefully in tissue paper so we can save it and bring it out next year.
You will need:
- Gingerbread man cookie cutters
- Air dry clay
- Rolling pin
- Wooden Skewer
- Baking paper
- Black paint
- Silver and red acrylic paint pens
- String
- Ribbon
You could use salt dough but I find air dry clay is better for more precious items as it doesn’t deteriorate.
So to begin simply roll out your clay and use your cookie cutters to make your shapes. I also got out a selection of other shapes and let Arlo really go to town using the whole packet of clay. We added in some other tools and got really creative. You can wrap clay up in an airtight bag to save for another day.
Once our pieces were ready we used a wooden skewer to poke holes through them so that we could use them as decorations. This step is really important, as it’s difficult to do this once their dry. Then we laid them on a sheet of baking paper to dry out for a couple of days.
Once fully dry we used black paint to cover them and then added details with our acrylic marker pens. Silver for the bones and skull and then because we love colour we added in little red hearts too. We threaded the finished skeletons on to a long length of thin twine and then used scraps of ribbons to make little bows for in between.
This project was one we had to come back to in two sessions and I love this. The clay was whipped out on a cold and dark evening and we sat at the kitchen table together before bath time and then read “funny bones” before bed time. The finished shapes were kept to one side and saved for a rainy day which is when the paints came out to play.