Big food shops are unavoidable when you’re raising a growing family, however, the cost can really add up without the right budgeting and planning in place. Food prices have been on the rise, with the typical family of two adults and two children spending around £167 on food every week.
Thinking about where you are buying your shopping from and adopting budgeting strategies could help you shave off some pounds. This may not seem like much, but over time this adds up and can ultimately help improve your credit score and improve loan acceptance, mortgage rates and more.
Plan your shopping trips
Planning out your shopping trips in advance and devising a detailed shopping list ensures that you are only buying what you need. It also stops you from spending your hard-earned cash on items that you already have at home. With your list in hand, you can plan how much you intend to spend on the food you eat.
Meal planning can also make it easier to decide what to buy and dramatically reduce your food waste. Not only do you save money, but you can make the most out of the food you do buy.
Shop around
Supermarkets are incredibly convenient and accessible but the one located around the corner from you might not offer the best prices. Your best bet is to shop around to see which retailers have the most cost-effective grocery prices. You might find more cost-effective, better matches in thesupermarket’s own brand ranges and gain more information to support your final purchase decision.
Asda came up on top when it came to the cheapest supermarkets, especially when it came to doing big trolley shops. However, when it came to smaller shops, Aldi and Lidl were unsurprisingly the cheapest options.
Use loyalty programs
Many supermarkets and shops offer loyalty programs and vouchers to loyal customers, and these can help you make some significant savings. From personalised deals to freebies and prizes, these programs can give you discounted prices when, if you aren’t part of the scheme, the products could cost twice as much.
Personalised offers can help you make savings on items you buy all the time, and the in-store discounts can take off a significant chunk of the price you pay at checkout. Notable mentions include the Tesco Clubcard, the Morrisons More card or app and Sainsbury’s Nectar.